LinkedIn Etiquette – The Dos And Don’ts For Business Profiles

Social Media is inescapable. The only thing constant is a “valuable presence” on any social media platform. If you own, manage, partake or run anything from a small to large scale business, LinkedIn is the right platform you to connect, market and expand your presence. Although LinkedIn is established to be one of the most influential business social media network tool, most people often shy away from it assuming that it’s very complicated or they might do something wrong. If that was the case, why would LinkedIn have 467 million users floating around the globe?

Well, here is what you need to know. LinkedIn allows you to expand your potential in reaching out to potential customers and clients. So while you may not like to use it in your personal life, give it importance to highlight your professional life. Believe it or not, a lot of resumes are scanned and a lot of long-term associations are maintained through LinkedIn. Like it or not, a business can gain customers trust with strong social media presence.

If you want to network with customers in the most beneficial way (and why wouldn’t you?), it is important to know what you are doing. Practise these proper etiquette while living the LinkedIn life –



  • Treat your profile like an online business card – appropriate, professional, up-to-date
  • Provide a detailed description in simple language – profile summary, accomplishments, goals, future business plans.
  • Spell check
  • Respond promptly just like you do with your emails.
  • Posting content regularly keeps you active on the social media circle, adds to your brand credibility and keeps visitor’s interests engaged.

  • Introduce people and connections; like a business matchmaker! Who doesn’t like returned favours after all?
  • Introduce people and connections; like a business matchmaker! Who doesn’t like returned favours after all?
  • Log out before searching for people, communities or groups.
  • Nurture meaningful business relationships – purely professional.

  • Promote the Company Page as much as you can. Have the company staff engage with your page and regularly Like, Comment, Share the posts that go online.

  • Join groups to connect with like-minded peers, communities and be updated with industry insights.

  • You are looking for business, not friends or romance. So don’t keep a flashy profile image. Company profile/brand image/professional headshot is what should be uploaded in the blank space.
  •  This is no place to discuss hobbies and interests. This is also no place to send random requests. Without research or personalised messages, don’t send LinkedIn requests. You might be rejected and restricted by the “I Don’t Know This Person” button!
  •  Don’t send spammy messages.
  • Add value to visitor’s time. Don’t self-promote (I am the best, I am good.. is a big NO NO!). Find niche words to describe yourself or the company. No “passionate”, “enthusiastic”!
  • Don’t post personal trivia, just stick to business – valuable articles, videos and relevant status updates.

  • Do not turn on notification while updating your profile. It’s annoying for others every time you add a new piece of information, let it just all be there without anyone getting “notification-harassed”.

  • Don’t stalk. If you are logged in, you aren’t anonymous and people will know when you have visited their profile.

  • Keep nothing personal.

  • Don’t post faulty links – 404 Error might get you presence “Not Found”!

  • Don’t fake work history or accomplishments.

Do you need help with your business’s LinkedIn page and overall social media presence? Rhizomatic Web Services specialises in promoting brands and businesses over social media platforms.