Hello World!

Hello World. As we step into the light we welcome to you join us on this amazing journey. Rhizomatic Web Services is a vision of providing the best of services to businesses, helping them grow beyond imaginable dimensions. With years of experience in developing websites, managing portals, designing strategies, marketing products and creating dreams, we embark on this quest to achieve ultimate work satisfaction for us as well as for our clients.


Rhizome as per definition is a botanical term meaning a continuously growing horizontal underground stem which puts out lateral shoots and adventitious roots at intervals. There is, however a deeper meaning attached to it.


Deleuze and Guattari use the terms “rhizome” and “rhizomatic” to describe theory and research that allows for multiple, non-hierarchical entry and exit points in data representation and interpretation (source). A Rhizome is characterized by ceaselessly established connections between similar or different nodes, which are not only a part of the whole system but simultaneously a system in themselves. The following 3 min video posted by Stacey Kerr a few years back explains the idea in a very easy to understand way.

Rhizomatic Web Services

The services we provide are interconnected with each other in multiple ways and offer multiple entry points to the benefits. Our work at one end of spectrum affects the results of another aspect of a business. All the services we provide whether collectively or individually are instrumental in helping a business grow thus justifying the central characteristic of a true Rhizomatic.

Do get in touch let us know your thoughts, opinions and suggestions. And yes, do wish us luck.